Make people laugh by being quick on your feet
When it comes to improv comedy, there is a long history of famous comedians who made a name for themselves with genius improv moments. How do they think of such funny things so quickly?
Aside from improv groups and skit shows, standup comedians also use improv to their advantage. Some are well-known for working the crowd for hours. They can take a funny name or hometown and turn it into hours of material. Obviously, some people have a gift and improv comedy comes to them naturally. But others can improve this skill with practice and by applying fundamental principles.
When you are in a situation where you want to use improv comedy, instead of trying to think quickly, think about the whole picture. As a scene or sketch unfolds, the story widens and gives you more information. Be yourself and let things flow. Think of those who share the stage or the room as your team. Work off of each other’s momentum and choose the right time to swing big. Try an improv class if you really want to improve.
While you may think of improv as a form of comedy with no rules, there are a few basic ones you want to keep in mind. These tips will give you the best parameters to use your humor to succeed when doing improv. Here are six rules:
- Say yes
- Stay focused
- Don’t compete
- Everything is not a joke
- Do the unexpected
- Don’t worry
The list could be longer, but those are some of the basic rules that will help you make a good improv scene. Even the greatest comedians follow these simple tips when performing. When you operate within a few guidelines, you can be truly funny while keeping the integrity of the art form.
The six rules for funny improv
Say yes
When you are performing with a group, other people will present ideas during a skit. Don’t shoot down their ideas just so your joke can take the spotlight. It’s a team effort, so play off of your fellow funny people. When the scene starts to go in one direction, follow it. Say yes to anything, like Jim Carrey did in one of his movies. And he’s a great example of a comedian, isn’t he?
Stay focused
Chaotic, energetic skits can be fun, but they aren’t always funny. When doing improv, you are telling a short story. Try to focus on the subject matter and work within that. Don’t constantly change settings or props to try to get a laugh. We know it’s the desired outcome and probably the whole point of your performance but stay focused. Part of improv is acting. Be a good actor and wait for your opportunity to be funny.
Don’t compete
When doing improv, don’t try to upstage your counterparts. Anyone can do or say something funny. Let others have the space to make a joke. You are not trying to prove who the funniest person on stage is, you are trying to make the funniest scene possible. If someone takes the role of a loud guy with a British accent, don’t become a louder guy with an Australian accent. This will create an unpleasant atmosphere on stage and would be frowned upon by your fellow comedians. Besides, no one likes a show-off.
Everything is not a joke
Yes, you are trying to use your humor skills to make a funny improv scene. That doesn’t mean that everything out of your mouth has to have a punchline. Sometimes your job is to move the scene along so more ideas can come out. As the scene evolves, you will find a natural spot to inject your own humor. Comedy is about the payoff. Put the work in for a good laugh instead of trying to get a constant flow of chuckles. This never happens in real life, neither should on stage and the harder you try, the worse it will probably go.
Do the unexpected
During a scene, you lay the groundwork for what is going to happen next. Many times, the audience will know what is coming. That is when you should do something that the audience is not expecting. Surprise them, keep them on the edge of their seats. If the next reasonable thing for your character to do is to feed their dog, get attacked by the dog instead. Or feed your neighbor’s cat to the dog. The audience will laugh when they are surprised.
Don’t worry
If there seems to be a lull while you’re doing improv and no one’s laughing, don’t worry about it. Keep going! Not every joke will land and not every surprise twist in the story is funny. Continue focusing on the scene and work your way through the slump. Laughter is not the only way the audience shows their enjoyment.
Your humor skills can be used and developed by joining a local improv group or doing it with friends. Practice quick, clever thinking and make people laugh at the unexpected. Improv is a great way to boost your confidence and have fun.