How to use humor to conquer daily life
Much of what we find funny has to do with our outlook on life. Funny people notice even small things and find humor in them. They even have the ability to make fun of themselves, their insecurities, and quirks. No matter what the situation is, they can laugh about it and make others around them laugh too.
Why is a good sense of humor valuable?
Bad things happen every day. Humans face stressful situations all the time. And as the saying goes, if we did not laugh, we would cry. So instead of crying every time something bad or inconvenient happens, we should learn to have a good sense of humor. We will be much happier if we do.
Humor in daily life can cut through tension easily and diffuse arguments. It also relieves stress. Using humor in daily life lets people know that you have a balanced perspective on things. You don’t get too high or too low and you don’t get rattled easily. With humor, you can easily shake off a bad experience or turn a good encounter into a great one.
Six ways you can develop the skill of using humor in daily life:
- Laugh at your own weirdness
- Listen to others
- Spend time with kids
- Spend time with animals
- Watch funny shows and movies
- Spend time with funny people
You don’t want to be the kind of person that laughs at funerals, at least not within earshot of other people. But you can use humor to make yourself and your friends laugh more often. This will make you happier overall.
Using humor every day
Laugh at your own weirdness
You have to be able to laugh at yourself at any given moment. As much as we love to watch videos of people getting hit in the crotch with a Wiffle ball bat, it may happen to us someday. We should be able to laugh just as hard after the pain subsides. Some days, nothing will make us smile. On those days, just look in the mirror and laugh at one of your many flaws. It may sound ridiculous but laughing is contagious and even seeing yourself laugh in the mirror can make you at least smile.
Listen to others
The world is full of colorful characters who are hilarious in their own way. Let a stranger tell you a story. There’s bound to be something ridiculous in there. Also, listen to strangers without them knowing it. People around you on the bus, at the store, or a bar say the darndest things. Not only will they make you laugh, but it’s also free material for you to use in the future. And there’s nothing better than freebies, ain’t it?
Spend time with kids
Whether you have kids of your own or some nieces, nephews, or Godchildren, try to be around them more. Children spend most of their time in an insane make-believe world. You might get a needed dose of nostalgia and some funny original thoughts from watching them play. Kids are so goofy and clumsy; you are sure to get a laugh. Instead of always being a serious adult, use some childish humor to make daily life more fun. Especially since the new generations, that have 24/7 access to information and technology, sound super funny. It would be a sin not to use it to your advantage.
Spend time around animals
A quick YouTube search of ‘animals doing funny things will cure you of any boredom or somberness you feel that day. It can be funny when animals mirror human behavior in some way. When trying to see the world in a funnier way, it helps to look at the entire picture. That includes our furry friends. Learn to find humor in the squirrel in the tree, your neighbor’s yapping dog, or the beta fish you just had to flush.
Watch funny shows and movies
Your favorite shows and movies get material from everyday life. So, if you are having trouble finding humor in your daily routine, turn on your favorite sitcom and let them do it for you. This will help you look at scenes from your life and see them as funny skits. Watching your favorite funny movie or show will also help renew your sense of humor after a difficult day. After having a few laughs at the people on screen, you’ll be able to have a few laughs about how ridiculous your life was that day.
Spend time with funny people
We all have a friend that always makes us laugh. Even if other people don’t find them as funny, you think they are hilarious. Spend more time with that person. Not only will it make you happy to laugh more often, but their humor will also rub off on you. As you listen to them make daily life funny, you will start to do the same with your life.
Daily life is more enjoyable and more stress-free when you laugh. Develop your skills of using humor to transform any moment into a funny one.